
SWE Development Kit (swekit) is a powerful framework for building Software Engineering agents using Composio’s tooling ecosystem. It provides tools like Github, Repo Indexing, Repo Search, File Manager, Shell Manager, and more.

Key Features

  • Agent Scaffolding: Quickly create Devin like agents that work out-of-the-box with popular agentic frameworks like OpenAI, Langchain, and more.
  • Flexible Workspace Environments: Operate your agents within a variety of secure and isolated environments including Docker, E2B, and FlyIO for security and isolation.
  • Customizable Tools: Add or optimize your agent’s abilities with a variety of tools.
  • Benchmarking: Evaluate your agents against the SWE-bench, a comprehensive benchmark for software engineering tasks.

Introduction to Key Concepts

  • Workspace Environments: These are isolated and secure execution contexts where agents can be run. They ensure that agents operate in a controlled setting, which can be tailored for specific security or resource needs. Examples include containerized environments like Docker, virtualized environments like E2B, and cloud-based platforms like FlyIO.
  • Custom Tools: These are specialized utilities or enhancements that can be integrated into your agent to extend its functionality or improve its performance. They can range from simple scripts to complex software packages.
  • Benchmarks: Benchmarks are standardized tests that measure the performance and effectiveness of your agents. They provide a way to compare different agents and track improvements over time.

Getting Started



Begin by installing the core packages using your favourite package manager:

pnpm install -g composio-core

Connect your Github Account

To utilize Github Issues as a task source, link your Github account as follows:

export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your_token>

Clone SWE Template for JS

To use Docker as the default workspace environment, ensure your Docker server is running

To quickly get started, clone the template from github using below command

git clone https://github.com/ComposioHQ/swe-js-template.git swe-js

This will a new agent in swe-js with key files:

  • src/app.ts: Entry point to run the agent
  • src/prompts.ts: Agent prompts
  • src/agents/swe: Agent definations

Install all the dependencies

Install all the required dependencies for SWE agent

cd swe-js && pnpm i

Run your SWE agnet

To start the agent, just run the following command

pnpm start

You will be prompted to specify the repository and issue for the agent to address.

Next Steps