1. Fetching authentication parameters - Shopify requires an admin API access token and store subdomain for authentication.
  2. Collecting those parameters from the user - Collect the admin API access token and store subdomain from your user.
  3. Initiating a connection - Create a connection with the collected parameters.
  4. Verifying the connection status - Check that the connection was successful by verifying the status.

Fetching Authentication Parameters

from composio import ComposioToolSet, App
toolset = ComposioToolSet()

response = toolset.get_expected_params_for_user(app=App.SHOPIFY) # can use integration_id instead of app


Parameters to fetch from the user

ExpectedFieldInput(name='admin_api_access_token', type='string',
    description='Your Admin api acess token for authentication which can be generated from your Shopify app settings. Create a Shopify app and configure the required scopes. You can access your app settings and generate the token by visiting https://admin.shopify.com/store/<store-name>/settings/apps/development',
    displayName='Admin Api Access Token', is_secret=False, required=True,
    expected_from_customer=True, default=None, get_current_user_endpoint=None),
ExpectedFieldInput(name='shop', type='string',
    description="Your Shopify store's subdomain (e.g., your-store-name in your-store-name.myshopify.com)", 
    displayName='Store Subdomain', is_secret=False, required=True,
    expected_from_customer=True, default=None, get_current_user_endpoint=None)

As stated in the output, you need to fetch the admin_api_access_token and shop from the user.

You can fetch from user via chat, ui, form, api, etc. We will use terminal based approach as example.


Asking the user for the parameters

expected_params = response["expected_params"]
collected_params = {}

if len(expected_params) > 0:
    for param in expected_params:
        user_input = input(f"Enter the value for '{param.displayName}', Description: {param.description}:\n")
        collected_params[param.name] = user_input


Creating a Connection with Collected Parameters

# This is the URL that the user will be redirected to after completing the authentication process
redirect_url = "https://yourwebsite.com/connection/success"
# this is only useful for oauth based flows involving redirect based authentication. 

entity_id = "Jessica"  # This is the unique identifier for the user

# Initiate the connection
connection_request = toolset.initiate_connection(
    connected_account_params=collected_params, # send collected params

if connection_request.connectionStatus == "INITIATED":
    # complete the connection by redirecting the user to the redirectUrl
elif connection_request.connectionStatus == "ACTIVE":
    print("Connection Status is active, you can now test by calling the tool.")
    # active connection means the user has completed the authentication process. 
    # the API Key entered might still be invalid, you can test by calling the tool.
    print("Connection process failed, please try again.")

This is what the output looks like:

Enter the value for 'Admin Api Access Token', Description: Your Admin api acess token for authentication which can be generated from your Shopify app settings. Create a Shopify app and configure the required scopes. You can access your app settings and generate the token by visiting https://admin.shopify.com/store/<store-name>/settings/apps/development:
Enter the value for 'Store Subdomain', Description: Your Shopify store's subdomain (e.g., your-store-name in your-store-name.myshopify.com):
{'admin_api_access_token': '123', 'shop': 'myshop'}
Connection Status is active, you can now test by calling the tool.

You can also see the dashboard for the connection status like this:


Get specific Connected Account

connected_account = toolset.get_connected_account(connection_request.connectedAccountId)

You have successfully Connected Your User’s Shopify Account.

You can also see the dashboard for the connection status.

You have successfully Connected Your User’s Shopify Account!! 🎉

Next: Guide to Connecting Gmail Account (OAUTH)

Connect your users Gmail Account in similar fashion