1. Fetching authentication parameters - Shopify requires an admin API access token and store subdomain for authentication.
  2. Collecting those parameters from the user - Collect the admin API access token and store subdomain from your user.
  3. Initiating a connection - Create a connection with the collected parameters.
  4. Verifying the connection status - Check that the connection was successful by verifying the status.

Fetching Authentication Parameters

Parameters to fetch from the user

As stated in the output, you need to fetch the admin_api_access_token and shop from the user.

You can fetch from user via chat, ui, form, api, etc. We will use terminal based approach as example.


Asking the user for the parameters


Creating a Connection with Collected Parameters

This is what the output looks like:

You can also see the dashboard for the connection status like this:


Get specific Connected Account

You have successfully Connected Your User’s Shopify Account.

You can also see the dashboard for the connection status.

You have successfully Connected Your User’s Shopify Account!! 🎉

Next: Guide to Connecting Gmail Account (OAUTH)

Connect your users Gmail Account in similar fashion