Set up OAuth

There are four steps to connecting your n8n credential to Google services:

  1. Create a Google Cloud Project
  2. Configure Project
  3. Configure your OAuth consent screen APIs
  4. Create your Google OAuth Client credentials

Video Guide



Create a Google Cloud Project

First, create a Google Cloud Console project:

  • Log in to your Google Cloud Console using your Google credentials
  • In the top menu, select the project dropdown in the top navigation and select New project or go directly to the New Project page
  • Enter a Project name and select the Location for your project

Configure Project

Head over to APIs and services section of the project:

  • Click on overview and configure the project:

Configure your OAuth consent screen APIs

After project configuration, click on Create OAuth client

  • Click on configure consent screen
  • Configure the branding
  • then publish the app

Create your Google OAuth Client credentials

Head over to Clients section:

  • Click on Create Client
  • Click on Configure Consent Screen
  • Configure the consent screen
  • And you’re done, you’ve successfully created new Client ID and Client Secret for the project