Install packages and Connect tools

You need to connect your GitHub and Trello accounts so agents can use them. Run the following commands on your terminal:


Add and Configure Triggers

Set up a server using ngrok and configure triggers for GitHub commit events.


Import base packages

Import the necessary libraries in your Python script


Initialise Agents using CrewAI

Initialize the agents and tools:


Start a web server

Create a Flask web server to handle incoming webhooks: Please replace the your_trello_list_id_for_todos and your_trello_list_id_for_done with your actual Trello list IDs. To get the Trello list ID:

  • Go to your Trello Board in your browser.
  • Add “.json” at the end of the URL in the address bar and press Enter.
  • In the JSON output, find the list with the name you are looking for and extract its “list.id” property.

Putting it All Together


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