Composio Quick Start

Set up Triggers that automatically execute Actions.

Follow these 5 steps to list your emails as soon as you receive them:

What you’ll achieve: By the end of this guide, you’ll have an AI agent capable of listing all the emails you receive as soon as you receive them.


Install Composio

Choose your preferred language:


Authenticate Gmail Account

We’ll use Jessica as our example user. Choose your method:

Ensure you complete the authentication process by following the URL provided in your console.


Enable Triggers


Initialize Composio and OpenAI

Set up your development environment:

Don’t forget to set your COMPOSIO_API_KEY and OPENAI_API_KEY in your environment variables.


Create a Trigger Listener

What Just Happened? 🎉

Congratulations! You’ve just:

  1. 🔐 Authenticated your Gmail account with Composio
  2. 🛠 Enabled Triggers
  3. 🧠 Passed these triggers to an AI language model
  4. ⭐ Instructed the AI to list all emails received
  5. ✅ Successfully executed the trigger and actions on Gmail