Overview of Integrations

Integrations allow users to link their accounts with external apps, enabling agents to take actions on their behalf. You can view all active integrations and monitor live connections or users by visiting the Dashboard.

Integrations are tool configurations (eg. Permissions to ask for when connecting an account, ClientID/Secret in the case of OAuth) that will be used to connect your users account to Composio. You can use your own configuration or use Composio’s default integrations.

Once an integration is established, it can be utilized by an unlimited number of users to connect their accounts. So ideally you will only build one integration per tool or application and allow all your users to connect using it.

To authenticate users with a specific tool, create a new integration by selecting the desired tool on the Tools Page. Integrations can be established using either default credentials or by registering a new developer application and setting the necessary authentication and permission scopes.